About our services
Our worship service is called a liturgy, which means the work of the people for the people.
It is carefully constructed and has a rhythm that corresponds to a life of faith.
The principal service of worship in the Episcopal Church is found in The Book of Common Prayer — a rich collection of scripture and prayers that has been used throughout the world since 1549.
Over the years, the language has been updated and new services incorporated.
Both services follow the same order: Prayer, reading of scripture, sermon, holy communion (sometimes called Eucharist in the Episcopal Church).
Both Sunday worship services are Eucharistic, which means that during our Eucharistic prayer, the congregation is invited to gather at the Lord’s table to share in the gift of bread and wine.
This is our time to remember Christ’s sacrifice for us and to receive the bread and wine.
If you are familiar with the Episcopal Church, we use Rite II with the exception of Lent, when we use the more penitential Rite I.
Everyone is welcome at St. Patrick’s!
Fall-Spring Schedule, beginning the Sunday after Labor Day
We hold 2 services every Sunday. Both Sunday services follow the same order: prayer, reading of scripture, a sermon, and Holy Communion (sometimes called Eucharist in the Episcopal Church). This is our time to remember Christ’s sacrifice for us and to receive the bread and wine.
8:00 AM (also live-streamed through our Facebook page):
At 8:00am we have a contemplative service, meaning there is no music. This leaves time for reflection in the silent pauses of the service.
Breakfast to follow (~8:45-9:15am), and then Adult Formation Hour (9:15/9:30-10:15am).
10:30 AM
At 10:30am, we have our musical service. The vast majority of our songs are played on either the organ or the piano, but we are happy to expand our repertoire if you have a musical gift you’d like to share. Our songs are pulled from both a traditional hymnal and some more modern sources.
Coffee/social hour to follow (~11:30am)
New, during Lent 2025: Mid-week Service
11:00 AM Holy Eucharist (contemplative), on Wednesdays, starting Mar 12
Year-Round Family Service
5:00 PM (3rd Sunday of every month): Clover Patch
On the 3rd Sunday of every month, we hold a special family service, designed with our youngest members in mind. Extra noise and child participation is not just tolerated — it is expected and celebrated! All ages are warmly invited.
Followed by a light, kid-friendly dinner. Enjoy a night off cooking and dishes!
Summer Schedule, beginning Memorial Day
During the summer months, we hold one service at 9:30am and every third Sunday will be a quiet, contemplative service without music.
Clover Patch, our all ages family service will also continue during the summer - every 3rd Sunday at 5pm, with a light, kid-friendly dinner to follow.
*Event info is subject to change
Who we are
Taking the Love of Christ Into the World
We believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that God loves you, just as you are, and you are welcome at St. Pat's, just as you are. Bring your past, your present, your questions, and your hopes and fears. Bring your partner, your spouse, your children. All are welcome here.
A bit of history about the Episcopal church: Episcopalians are constituent members of the Anglican Communion in the United States, and we are descendants of and partners with the Church of England and the Scottish Episcopal Church. We are part of the third largest group of Christians in the world. We believe in following the radical teachings of Jesus Christ, and we embrace his life, death, and resurrection, which bring hope, healing, and peace to a hurting world and hurting hearts.
We are inclusive, open, and affirming, and we aspire to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being. Women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church. Laypeople and clergy cooperate as leaders at all levels of our church. Leadership is a gift from God and is inclusive of all people in our church, regardless of gender, sexual identity, or orientation.
We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.
St. Patrick's is a place of celebration. Our congregation is full of people with many gifts: artists, musicians, growers, mathematicians, teachers, healers... and cooks. Really good cooks. Even if food is not planned at an event, it tends to arrive anyway.
We celebrate every Sunday with breakfast after the 8 am service, with hymns and an anthem sung by the choir during the 10:30 service, and with coffee hour afterward.
We celebrate Creation through yoga, tending the church's gardens, and the annual Animal Blessing in October. We turn fundraising into celebration through 100,000 Welcomes, Feast-n-Fall-y, and Mardi-Gras. We celebrate with our neighbors through monthly men's and women’s dinners, Christmas caroling, our Carriage Parade open house, and the Thursday Tidings newsletter.
St. Patrick's is a good place to ask questions and help each other to find the answers. Not only do we seek God during our regular and holiday worship services, but we also find many occasions for seeking the Kingdom in contemplation and prayer, in study, and in action.
We seek God's truth through talks and discussions during Lenten study, Quest, youth group, Sunday school, Bible study, through quiet listening during Silent Saturday and Lectio Divina, and through action via involvement in the MLK Coalition and Becoming Beloved Community.
At St. Pat's, there are many opportunities to serve each other and the Lebanon community, and many of our members chip in regularly. When there is work to be done, we roll up our sleeves and get to it.
Our Lebanon Community
We serve our local community through:
volunteering at the Lebanon Food Pantry and clothing closet,
hosting families and providing meals through Family Promise of Warren County,
hosting an annual rummage sale,
providing space for Lebanon Family Montessori,
weekly Good Shepherd story time for children from Lebanon Family Montessori, and
providing transitional housing through Greenhouse, Inc.
Past community outreaches have also included the Homework Club, where we provided tutoring for local kids, and the Good Shepherd Preschool, a free Montessori-style weekly preschool enrichment program.
International Serving
We serve further afield by supporting Hogar Miguel Magone, a non-profit home for children and young people in vulnerable situations in Guatemala through local nonprofit Infinite Chance.
In-reach serving
On Sundays, we serve during worship as acolytes, lay readers, altar guild members, ushers, greeters, and tellers.
We serve by bringing flowers from our gardens, sharing food and culinary talents at Sunday morning Breakfasts & Coffee Hours, volunteering our gardening skills to maintain church grounds, and offering our musical talents.
We serve by showing up and participating in a spirit of Christ-like love and generosity — doing the hard work of tasting the chili, playing Euchre, or riding roller coasters at Kings Island together. It’s hard work, but someone’s gotta do it!
We serve by meeting regularly with fellow parishioners for ongoing support, encouragement, and edification.
We also serve each other through in-reach coordination and vestry.

You are welcome here.