Learn about Family Promise of Warren County

Family Promise of Warren County helps Warren County homeless families achieve sustainable independence. While the families are in the program learning skills to be successful in life, host congregations care for them on a rotational basis – providing a place to sleep, evening meals, and breakfast/lunch staples.

During COVID, the guests have been housed at a motel instead of the host churches, but meals and breakfast/lunch staples are still needed. In addition, goodie bags are given to the children at the start of our rotation to entertain them and demonstrate His love.

St. Patrick’s is one of the host congregations; 3-4 times each year we host homeless families for one week.

Our next rotation is Jan 2nd  through Jan 9th… stay tuned for how YOU can help!

Learn all about Family Promise of Warren County below!


To assist Warren County homeless families achieve sustainable independence through a community -based response.


A county where every family has a home, a livelihood, and a future full of promise.


INH serves adults and children in
one, or two parent families as well as extended families, without regard to race, ethnicity, age, or faith. However, because we rely on volunteer staffing, we cannot adequately serve the needs of those who (1) actively abuse drugs or alcohol, (2) suffer from severe mental illness, or (3) are fleeing physical abuse. Individuals with these and similar special needs are referred to the appropriate organization that has trained staff to address the special needs.


Host Congregations house up to five families (a maximum of 14 guests) on a rotating weekly basis, from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. During these evening hours the volunteers provide for the families a home-like atmosphere including a group meal and social time. The IHN network provides the beds for use at the places of worship, a Day Center, an Executive Director who is responsible for network operations, a Case Manager who guides families into housing, and transportation between the places of worship and the Day Center.

The Day Center is used as the daytime base for the operation of the network. For the homeless families it provides a home environment during the day and a temporary official address. The Day Center also serves as the office for the Executive Director. The Director, along with our Case Manager, coordinates the acceptance of families into the network and helps these families identify the necessary actions to be successful in employment, education, life skills, and most importantly, finding a home for their family.

The bulk of the IHN work force is comprised of a diverse group of volunteers, each adding their own unique skills, as well as their care and concern for homeless families. By involving many volunteers and through the use of Host Congregations, IHN provides a loving, practical, and cost effective response to many Warren County families who desperately need assistance.


What do you picture when you think of the homeless? You may be surprised to learn that families are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. The Warren County Housing Coalition Day in Time Survey, which is a mandated count of the homeless directed by HUD, consistently shows that Warren County has a higher
rate of homelessness per capita than that
of Hamilton County. This is demonstrated by a consistent annual increase of referrals to the Interfaith Hospitality Network the shelter program of Family Promise of Warren County.


Volunteer opportunities are available for churches, civic organizations, and individuals:

  • Places of worship may serve as Host or Supporting Congregations

  • Business and civic groups can provide meals as well as volunteers to assist with fundraisers, help with Heaven and Hearth or other volunteer opportunities, serve on the FPWC Board of Directors and coordinate drives for items that are needed at the Day Center such as diapers, wipes, household items, etc. Call the office for an up to date list and many other opportunities.

  • There are many opportunities for students, community service volunteers and other individuals to assist both at the places of worship and the day center.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Linda Rabolt at 513.934.5250 or linda@ihnwc.org


Thank you Kellie!


We are excited to introduce: Rev. Cortney Dale!